An agency of the European Union

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Slowness in REACH-IT - UPDATE

Change of date: We will deliver a fix for the issue on 27 February. If you experience the issue of slowness, we kindly ask you to try again after the fix is in place.

We are currently investigating an issue concerning the foreign user functionality. Foreign users in REACH-IT may experience slowness and timeouts when using the application. We apologise for the inconvenience.

New format for list numbers

The main substance identifier in REACH-IT is EC/list number. List numbers in their current format, xxx-xxx-x (where x = numerical digit), are soon running out. After external consultation and careful consideration, ECHA has decided to change the list number to alphanumerical format, keeping the original length.

Example of the new format: A00-000-0

This change will take place during early summer. Note that the change may affect your company’s recording systems outside REACH-IT